Tuesday, December 18, 2007
Author: Narain Kataria
Indian American Intellectuals Forum (“IAIF”) in cooperation with Vishwa Hindu Parishad of America, supporters of BJP, Chinmaya Mission, Malayali Hindu Mandalam, Kanchi Kamakoti Seva Foundation, Overseas Sindu Sabha and several other organizations staged a boisterous demonstration outside Pakistan Consulate in New York on July 27th in which more than 80 demonstrators vociferously participated.
The purpose of this protest was to express shock, anguish and outrage at the 7/11 Bombay bomb blasts in which more than 200 innocent people were blown to bits, more than 800 people lost their limbs, thousands of families underwent unprecedented trauma, and millions of worth property was destroyed, allegedly by Islamic terrorists.
The protesters carried play-cards, depicting “Islamic Pakistan Directly or Indirectly Responsible for World-wide Terrorism”, “Islamic Pakistan Is the Epicenter of Terrorism”, “Pakistan’s Spy Agency Involved in Mumbai Bomb Blasts”, and “ISI Transferred $100,000.00 to Mohammed Atta”, Chief Terrorists who masterminded 9/11 World Trade Center bombing in New York”.
In a Memorandum addressed to Hon. Haroon Shaukat, Pakistan Consul General in New York, the organizers blamed Pakistan for training jihadists and using terrorism as a tool of foreign policy to bleed India to death. The memorandum further reminded Consul General of Pakistan that “Before indulging in this type of surreptitious activities, you should not forget 1971 debacle in which 93,000 Pakistani soldiers, along with General Niyazi, belonging to the so called ‘Martial Race’ had meekly surrendered to valiant, mostly Hindu-Sikh Army, headed by Lt. General Jagjit Singh Arora.”
The Memo reminded the Consul General that “[Y]ou should not forget that we both are brothers. Same blood flows into our veins. Your forefathers were Hindu before converting to Islam by Arabs. Perhaps you may be aware of the fact that Mr. Mohammed Ali Jinnah, Father of Pakistan was the grandson of Punjabhai Valjibhai Thakkar, a Hindu. The hate, violence, and terror are the hallmark of uncivilized brutes. They are the part and parcel of Arab barbarism. Religious fanaticism of the 7th century is not compatible with the spirit of 21st century. Hence, it is absolutely essential that your country should learn to live with other countries in peace and harmony.
41-67 Judge Street (5P)
Elmhurst, NY 11373
(718) 478-5735/(718) 271-0453
December 18, 2007
Mr. Jaideep Balial
Secretary to Chairman
2301 East Lamar Blvd
Suite 140
Arlington, TX 76006
Dear Shri Balial ji: Namaskar:
We have received a lot of complaints from our members that ZEE TV News at the end of news everyday at 06:30 p.m. gives weather forecast for five important cities of the world. According to ZEE TV, those five important cities of the world are: New York, London, Paris, Karachi and Islamabad.
We understand the importance of New York, London and Paris. But we fail to understand on what basis you have decided to include Karachi and Islamabad , both Pakistani cities in the important cities of the world, and chosen to exclude New Delhi, Mumbai, Kolkata, Chennai and other Indian cities.
This is outrageous and has caused disgust and revulsion in our mind. We do not know whether Mr. Subhash Chandra ji is aware of this discrepancy or not. We also do not know whether it is a deliberately designed mischief or an inadvertent error. Whatever the reason for this, one thing is very clear to us that some anti-Indian elements have penetrated in ZEE TV actuated by a malicious desire to misuse ZEE TV and degrade India.
We will appreciate it very much if you could take immediate action to rectify this error.
With regards
Narain Kataria
By e-mail
Monday, December 17, 2007
Replacement of Urdu Words with Hindi Words from Zee-TV Hindi News
41-67 Judge Street, (Suite 5P)Elmhurst, New York 11373
Tel: (718) 478-5735
(F) (718) 559-4774
E-mail: Katarian@aol.com
October 21, 2007
Replacement of Urdu Words with Hindi Words from Zee-TV Hindi News
Dear Shri Subhash Chandra ji: Saadar Namaskar:
In the first instance, let us introduce ourselves to you. We are an association of Hindu Americans organized and existing under the laws of the State of New York. We work for Hindu Unity, organize seminars on terrorism and try to strengthen Indo-American relationship.
It gives us pleasure to welcome you to this country. We are very happy to know that you are the Chairman of the Board for Ekal Vidyalaya Foundation of India. We also feel very proud that a very powerful and highly placed person of your stature is working whole-heartedly for Hindu cause.
However, from our observations we have painfully noted that Zee-TV Hindi News of which you are the Chairman is unnecessarily using Urdu words in Hindi News for which Hindi words are easily available.
Hindi is our national language. It is our duty to promote and propagate Hindi language to masses. We are enclosing herewith a list (about 10 pages) of some of the equivalent Hindi words which could easily replace Urdu words.
Hence, we shall be highly grateful if you could kindly take appropriate action to ensure that, as far as possible, Urdu words are avoided in Hindi News.
With highest regards,
Narain Kataria
Sunday, December 16, 2007
41-67 Judge Street (5P), Elmhurst, N.Y. 11373
Tel: (718) 478-5735, Fax: (718) 271-1906,
Indian American Intellectuals Forum (“IAIF”) expresses outrage at the sensational and provocative statement by a ruling member of India’s largest state government, Utter Pradesh.
The Forum also condemns in the harshest possible terms the other prominent Muslim leader and a senior member of the All India Muslim Personal Law Board, Zafaryab Jilani, and another Samajwadi Party MP from Moradabad, Dr Shafiqur Rahman Barq. These two gentlemen, one holding a highly responsible position within a well known Muslim institution and the other an elected member of India’s national parliament, have openly supported Haji Yaqoob’s illegal statement and public offer.
The cartoon crisis, most certainly is a small issue, which has been blown out of proportion by the Jihadi Muslims. It is our firm and sincere belief that cartoons or no cartoons, the Jihadis will continue manufacturing one reason or another to wage Jihad -- an important Islamic religious command -- against the non-believers (Hindus, Budhists, Jains, Sikhs, Christians, Jewish, etc.).
Radical Islamic fanatics who extol the virtue of violence and hatred are determined to establish Sharia (the Islamic Law) all over the world. To achieve their sinister objective, they would indulge in intimidation and murders, on one pretext or the other. In the process, they would gag the voice of reason. They would not allow freedom to their captive followers to know or find out the truth. That is precisely the reason that there is no democracy in Muslim nations.
These fundamentalists believe that by creating a fear psychosis in the mind of masses, they can silence the voice of reason and ultimately impose Nizam-e-Mustafa (Rule of Allah) in all the countries. That is the reason they killed von Ghog, the Dutch filmmaker who questioned the treatment of Muslim women in Islamic countries.
Islamic fanatics use sophistry and subterfuge in democratic societies. They deny any kind of religious freedom to non-believers in their own countries. They exploit democracy, secularism, liberal laws, human rights and compassion of free societies everywhere. Islam forbids Muslims to assimilate with people of other creeds or civilizations, while at the same time exploiting the freedom and democracy in non-Islamic lands for their own advantage.
The reason India is a democratic and secular country is because it is predominantly Hindu. We should not forget that India was divided in 1947 on the basis of two nation theory. Ashok Mehta, a prominent leader of yesteryears, in his book “Muslim Mind” has categorically stated that 92% of Muslims voted for the creation of Pakistan in 1946 elections. Had all the Muslims left India for Pakistan at that time, the Hindus would have lived their lives peacefully in Hindu India. Now the descendants of those Muslims have made the life of Hindus miserable in their own country.
It is a matter of great disgrace and disgust that Hindus are being terrorized by Muslims in the Hindu India. The manner in which rowdy Muslim mobs damaged BJP office in Lucknow, attacked and looted Hindu stores in Hyderabad after the Friday prayer and threatened Hindus in Bangalore, is reminiscent of pre-partition days depredation against Hindus. The astonishing display of political pusillanimity and mal-adroitness on the part of India’s UPA-controlled central government and Samajwadi-controled state government, coupled with the vote bank politics, has emboldened these Jihadis to take out their anger on innocent Hindus because someone insulted Islam in Denmark!
This attitude of disdain, of assumed superiority, irrationality and intolerance, on the part of Muslims against Hindus, is difficult to sustain. At this juncture, India needs leaders with vision, perspicacity, competency and sense of history to be able to handle these demagogues who want to divide India on the communal lines.
Indian American Intellectuals Forum (IAIF) is a New York-based organization. It organizes seminars on the issues affecting Indian-Americans. It invites prominent speakers and publishes their views on-line and in newspapers. Its aim is to strengthen Indo-American relationship.
Narain Kataria
Intelligence Summit Discusses Jihad in India
Author: Narain Kataria
A three day Conference starting March 5, 2007 in the city of St. Petersburg, Florida, United States was organized by Intelligence Summit, a non-partisan, non-profit educational forum. Intelligence Summit website has recently surpassed in popularity even the Jane’s Weekly, the most widely read source of intelligence news in the world.
In this Conference Maj. Gen. Paul E. Valley, Deputy Commanding General, US Army (Retd.), Gen. Thomas G. McInerney USAF (Retd.), Cmdr. Richard Marcinko, USN (Retd.), and many other former CIA officials, counter-terrorism experts, and experts on Islamic studies participated in deliberations and enlightened the audience about the danger posed to the humanity at large by radical Islam, political Islam, Islamo-fascism, Wahabi Islam, or by whatever name you call them.
Some of the topics discussed at length in the Conference were as under:
- Can radical Islam escape the opprobrium that it is systematically using the violence, threat, murder and terrorism to establish the Islamic Law called Sharia all over the word?
- Is the existential threat to humanity from the political Islam real?
- Will the rising Muslim population in regions like India, European Union and United States ultimately transmogrify the decent and civilized people into suicide bombers prepared to kill all of us?
- Is the doctrine of Jihad really meant for the purpose of purifying one’s inner self only, as expounded selectively by the apologists of Islam all over?
- Or, is the Jihad a doctrine of permanent military warfare eventually to annihilate infidels and to subjugate them completely?
- Is there any way out to mitigate the effects of this hateful ideology that not only instigates but literally commands its followers to kill others in the name of Allah?
- Should the civilized nations insist on the doctrine of reciprocity while dealing with Islamic nations?
- Are the concepts of Dar-ul-Islam (Islamic country) and Dar-ul-Harb (Enemy country) at the root of Islamic terrorism?
- Is the Far Left media hand in gloves with the Jihadists?
- Is the 145-million strong Islamic nation Pakistan which is already armed with the nuclear weapons and the missiles to deliver these weapons more dangerous than Iran?
- Can the sanctimonious rhetoric of Pakistan that she is an ally on ‘fighting the war on terrorism’ be relied upon at its face value?
- Is Pakistan actually becoming a safe sanctuary for the terrorists, as often reported?
- Will Bangladesh also, in not too distant future, turn into the next global epicenter of the Islamic terrorism?
- Will the pervasive prevarication of the political class and its willful malfeasance embolden the political Islam, and ultimately ruin all of us?
Officials of the Indian American Intellectuals Forum of New York were invited by the Intelligence Summit to speak on “Indian Experience with Jihadists”. In a small get together of VIPs, the President of IAIF, Mr. Narain Kataria, Senior Vice President Mr. Arish Sahani and the Board Member Mr. Mohinder Singh Gulati, brought to the attention of Gen. McInerney the duplicitous, deceitful and disingenuous role played by Pakistan’s Gen. Musharraf in the war on terror. They elaborated the terrorist activities conducted by ISI and Far Left militants in collusion with the sleeping cells in the region, and the unparalleled atrocities perpetrated by Islamic invaders in the past on peaceful Hindus. Gen. McInerney expressed confidence that a very powerful action would take place at an appropriate time which would eliminate terrorism completely from the Earth.
In the Conference deliberations, Dr. Babu Suseelan, a Board Member of Indian American Intellectuals Forum and a well-known Hindu scholar presented the Hindu view point to the Conference delegates covering India’s past and present History.
Hindu View Point on the Islamic Terrorism
Addressing the gathering, Dr. Suseelan said: “In the first instance, it gives me great pleasure to thank all of you for giving me an opportunity to present before this august body the Hindu views relating to their Experience with the Islamic Jihadists of Indian subcontinent.
“I am a firm believer in Hinduism, the ancient civilization of India, with more than one billion adherents. We Hindu people believe in the peaceful coexistence with all cultures and religions on the globe. Hindu people, in the past known history, never went out of their country to attack, loot, rape and forcibly convert other nations to their way of thinking. We have maintained this civilized tradition for almost 6000 years. India like United States, has always given unconditional shelter to the tired, sick and persecuted people from other countries. India has provided the freedom of religion, freedom of speech, equality and justice to all. India is, probably, the only country in the world where Jewish people were never persecuted. As recently as in 1950, India gave shelter to Dalai Lama and thousands of his followers who were driven from their native land, Tibet, by the Communist China.
To the bewilderment, dismay and shock of the audience, Dr. Suseelan poignantly described the cruelties that were perpetrated on hapless Hindus during the long Islamic rule as under: “The barbarity, the butchering, the savagery practiced by the practitioners of Islam were so extreme in nature, so enormous in scope, so stark in reality, so brutal in action that they demand eternal condemnation from the civilized world. The utter vandalization of India under the Islamic rule continued for a long period of 600 years. There is a deep stamp of hatred and Islamic vengeance in each and every city all over the country in India.”
Tracing the history of India, Dr. Suseelan narrated: “Before the advent of Islam, Afghanistan was a Buddhist nation. To safeguard their ancestral religion and beliefs, the brave people of Afghanistan confronted the brutal Islamic invaders for 300 years but finally were defeated and, then, Islamized. After converting to Islam, the same non-violent Buddhists eventually turned into the Talibans of today. They took to terrorism and even destroyed the centuries old priceless statues of Bamyan Buddhas. In 1990, these fanatics forcibly drove out or converted the 50,000 Hindu-Sikh minority population of Afghanistan.”
Quoting Mr. M.A. Khan of Islamic Watch, Dr. Suseelan said: “Eleventh century saw the barbaric assault of Sultan Mahmud of Ghazni on India. Mahmud’s army slaughtered 15,000 fighting men in what they described as the ‘splendid action’ before capturing 500,000 men and women as slaves. The barbarity and cruelty of Sultan Mahmud was proudly and vividly described by contemporary Muslim historians. In the attack on Thanesar, ‘the blood of the infidels flowed so copiously that the stream was discolored and the people were unable to drink it’. Mahmud attacked and destroyed the famed Somnath temple in the Western India and massacred over 50,000 Hindus guarding the temple.
“Sultan Allauddin Khaliji (1296-1316) attacked Chittor in the present Rajasthan State and killed 30,000 people in cold blood. No wonder that 50,000 slave boys were engaged in his personal services and 70,000 slaves worked continuously in his buildings. Firoz Tughlaq, who ascended the throne in 1351, killed another 180,000 Hindus in Bengal and erected the infamous ‘Tower of Skulls.’
“As recently as 1946, the Muslims slaughtered more than 5,000 Hindus in Kolkata in one day alone and threatened Hindus at large that this action would be repeated in all the major Indian cities if Hindus refused to the partitioning of India; this ultimately was agreed upon. In 1947, India was divided into the Hindu India and Muslim Pakistan. Hindus mistakenly believed that by agreeing to the separate Muslim Pakistan their problems with the Islam would be over.
“But in Pakistan, the worst reign of repression awaited the minority Hindus. Millions of them were uprooted, butchered and slaughtered like chicken and goats. Hundred of thousands of Hindu girls were kidnapped. Their chastity violated, they were raped and forcibly married to Muslims.
“Muslims ethnically cleansed the entire Hindu-Sikh population from Pakistan, the land they got from partitioning of the historic India. They systematically used all official machinery and resources to reduce the Hindu population to merely 2% from its earlier 20% in 1947.
“Bangladesh is another perfect example of the ethnic cleansing. Its population of Hindu-Buddhists-Christians was about 39% in 1947. During the 1971 India-Pakistan war, Hindus were the prime target of genocide and gang rape by Islamic Pakistani army. In a period of nine months, three million people were mercilessly murdered by Pakistan army, of which more than 80% were Hindus. From then on, the covert and overt assault on Hindus continued relentlessly. Three hundred thousand girls were raped, out of which 95% were Hindu girls. Over ten million Hindu refugees took shelter in India.
“The slaughter of Hindus in subcontinent continued and the world remained unperturbed. In 1990, more than 400,000 Hindus were forcibly driven from the Indian controlled Jammu and Kashmir region by the Jihadists that were militarily trained and funded by Pakistan’s intelligence agency, ISI (Inter Services Intelligence).”
There are articles in Koran which enjoin on Muslims as under: “O Prophet! Make war against the unbelievers and the hypocrites and be unyielding to them; and their abode is hell, and evil is the destination.” And in 8:12, the Koran says, “I will cast terror into the hearts of those who disbelieve. Therefore strike off their heads and strike off every fingertip of them.”
The big question that still remains is: “Have these Koranic injunctions on Muslims outlived their utility? Is it not possible to adequately modify the above religious teachings in Islam so as to suit the needs of modern civilization,” quipped Dr. Suseelan.
The Rising Muslim Population in South Asia, the Greatest Danger to the World
In South Asia the number of Muslims at this time is as under: India 150 million, Pakistan 145 million, Bangladesh 140 million and Afghanistan 16 million. Thus the total number of Islamic people in the region is about 450 million; one and half time the US population. South Asia is sitting on a tinder box. Hindus alone will not be able to stem the wrath of ferocious brutes. Hence the cooperation between India, Israel and United States is absolutely essential to save the world from the impending doom and imminent disaster.
It is difficult for a civilized person to understand the Muslim psyche. Hindus foolishly thought that by conceding to the demand for Pakistan, they could buy peace with the Muslims. They were one hundred percent wrong. Now Islamic Pakistan and Muslims are aiming at the separation of Kashmir from India.
It is a matter of great regret that many Hindu scholars, particularly the Far Left Liberals in India, still fondly believe that coexistence with Islamic people is possible!
Why the converts to Islam ultimately end up being the terrorists?
Appealing to the top-notch experts on the counter-terrorism, Dr. Suseelan asked them to ponder over the question as to why the converts to Islam become violent and fanatic and kill the innocent people without any remorse. Is there something in their religious scriptures which motivates them to kill in the name of Allah?
Dhiren Barot, a Hindu convert to Islam, became Al Qaeda’s top operative. His Islamic name is Abu Musa al-Hindi. He traveled to Pakistan for terrorist training in 1995. He has written a book “The Army of Medina in Kashmir.” In this book, he has described in detail as to how to kill the Indian army in Kashmir. He conducted a good amount of research work in the field of radiological weapons which he wanted to use in the terrorist attacks on New York Stock Exchange, International Monetary Fund Headquarters, World Bank, etc.
Adam Gadahn, an American, converted to Islam at the age of seventeen rose to the position of top operative of Al Qaeda operations. In one of his speeches in 2005, he said: “We love slitting the throats of Infidels.” He invited Americans to convert to Islam before it is too late. He praised the attackers of the World Trade Center as “dedicated, strong-willed and motivated individuals.” His Islamic name is Azzam al-Amriki (Azzam the American).
Mohammad Ali Jinnah, the Father of Pakistan, was grand child of a Hindu and very secular at heart. But when he came in contact with Imams (Muslim priests), he became a dangerously fanatic Muslim and broke India into two pieces.
The current ground situation in the South Asia is fraught with dangerous consequences. There has been an astronomical rise in Islamic fundamentalism in India. Islamists, in democratic societies like India, exploit the vulnerabilities of constitutional governance to the hilt. Almost all the Hindu leaders in India are facing death threats from the Islamic extremists. Muslims use chicanery, stratagem and subterfuge to beat the democratic system. Imam of Ghaziabad district in India has appealed to Muslims to adopt the Sharia law to settle their dispute.
In February, 2007, the State Assembly of Jammu and Kashmir passed a bill bringing the country's only Muslim-majority state in the ambit of Sharia laws. Moved as a private member's bill from the Opposition leader Abdul Rahim, the House passed the legislation by a voice vote without any dissent.
Hindu leaders killed in India
The India Government at this time is so wracked of Islamic rowdies that two days after the Mumbai bombings in July 2006 -- that killed more than 180 people -- the government of India issued a directive banning 17 websites that were critical of Muslim misdeeds. These websites were singled out because, according to the Indian government, they might incite religious violence. The nine American websites banned by India are all critical of the Islamist movement. Shockingly enough, not a single website of the Islamic extremists justifying -- and even celebrating -- the Mumbai bombings was banned.
According to Mr. Fitzgerald of the “Jihad Watch,” 60 to 70 million Hindus were killed by Islamic Jihadists (http://www.jihadwatch.org/dhimmiwatch/archives/015399.php#more). However, it is a matter of disgrace that no Hindu leader in India ever broaches on this subject. Actuated by a desire to crush and obliterate the Hindu people in India, an overt and covert war has been unleashed by Jihadists on them. The aim is to frighten them into submission and push them into the vortex of pan-Islamic movement.
Islamic communalism has taken a fatal turn in Bihar and U.P. -- two of the biggest -- provinces in India. According to Pramod Kumar, a renowned Indian journalist, more than three dozen Hindu leaders have recently been eliminated by the Islamists. Hindu leaders are murdered in the broad daylight by Islamic goons. Mr. Sukhanand Shetty was murdered by Islamic fundamentalists in Dec. 2006. In January, one Hindu leader Mr. Ravindran was brutally murdered by Jihadists. On February 12, one Hindu Mr. V.K. Shaju was attacked and killed. In Assam more than 60 Hindus were killed by a separatists group in North East India allegedly supported and trained by Bangladeshi intelligence.
One Muslim scholar Mr. Tawfik Hamid loudly declared in the Conference that the militant Islam is a cancerous disease and has to be eradicated. “We have to liquidate this mindset, or else it would wipe us out,” thundered Mr. Hamid amidst a great ovation.
Dr. Suseelan spoke with volcanic intensity for about an hour and won accolades of the audience. In the end, Dr. Suseelan fervently appealed to the global experts on counter-terrorism and Islamic studies to emerge from torpor, come out openly to denounce the ideology of savagery and hate. The need of the hour is the leaders with farsightedness, perspicacity and Machiavellian steeliness to them who can find the lasting solution to the fast spreading menace of Islamic terrorism in the world.
Sonia’s UN address invites Indian protest
Report by Narain Kataria
Under the banner of the Forum for Gandhi Heritage (“Forum”), a very powerful protest demonstration was successfully mounted in front of the United Nations in New York on October 2 by more than 400 passionate activists representing the Mahatma Gandhi International Foundation, the Indian American Intellectuals Forum, the Indo Caribbean Council, the Kashmiri Task Force, the Brahmin Samaj, and many other Indian community organisations.
The demonstration was organised to vocalise outrage and dismay at the nomination/selection/imposition of Mrs. Sonia Gandhi to deliver a speech at the United Nations as a representative of India. The spokesperson of the Forum, Dr. Naresh Sharma, and Satya Dosapati, one of the organisers said: “While we unanimously commend the declaration of Mahatma Gandhi’s birthday as International Non-Violence Day by United Nations at India’s request, we highly condemn the usurpation of this historic occasion by an unqualified politician (Sonia Gandhi) whose ethics, policies, programmes and values are the antithesis of everything that the Father of the Nation, Mahatma Gandhi stood for.”
In a booklet circulated widely to the public and press, the Forum argued that Mahatma Gandhi’s life represented truth, tolerance, non-violence, purity and resistance to injustice, while that of Sonia Gandhi (no relation to the Mahatma Gandhi) is riddled with lies, intrigue, scams, scandals, vindictiveness, corruption, and pro-terrorists policies. Sonia Gandhi has shown blatant disrespect for revered Hindu religious figures, encouraged falsification of India’s history, tacitly supported conversion of Hindus to Christianity by foreign missionaries through misrepresentation and money power, abetted the potential destruction of Ram Sethu, and smuggled Indian artifacts out of India, among other misdeeds.
The Forum states: “We firmly believe that this demeaning strategy is motivated by an underhanded and conniving mind to gain international legitimacy and political control of Indian governance, using the name of a world revered Indian (and global) icon—Mahatma Gandhi. The fact is that Sonia Gandhi has no relationship whatsoever, either by blood, or by ideals and deeds with the revered Father of the Nation of India. People, who do not know, here in the USA, at the United Nations and in the rest of the World will assume that Sonia Gandhi is a relative of Mahatma Gandhi. We want to demolish this myth forever and let everyone know that Sonia Gandhi has nothing to do with Mahatma Gandhi. She is an inappropriate person to represent Mahatma Gandhi at the U.N. She has deceitfully planned to hoodwink this august body and hijack this momentous juncture in the history of the United Nations.
When people from many community organisations in America who are admirers of Mahatma Gandhi heard that Sonia Gandhi was coming to New York to speak at the U.N., there was a spontaneous outpouring of disapproval and disenchantment. The people felt that a fraud was being perpetrated on the world stage. They decided not to take things lying down. In spite of their busy schedules, dozens of volunteers decided to take off from their office/business to express their disgust and resentment of the antics of the spurious Gandhi.
Even the organisers of the protest could not fathom the simmering discontent that took an explosive turn on October 2 as it brought in people from as far away as Atlanta, Chicago, Florida, Arizona and Boston to the protest meeting in front of the UN.
The demonstrators carried banners depicting: “Down with Sonia Gandhi”, “Sonia Gandhi Go Back”, “Sonia - Do Not Spread Communalism in India”. In addition to the demonstration, a fast was undertaken on October 1 and 2 from 10:00 a.m. to 06:00 p.m. by more than 30 persons at the statue of Mahatma Gandhi near Union Square.
In a full page advertisement in The New York Times, dated October 6, the Forum blamed Sonia Gandhi for her involvement in the UN Oil for Food Scam, offending sensibilities of 900 million Hindus by trying to blowing up Rama Sethu, an ancient Hindu heritage monument, and instigating anti-Sikh riots that burnt alive 3,000 Sikhs.
__________________________________________________________________________________________ .
41-67 Judge Street (5P)
Elmhurst, NY 11373
(718) 478-5735/(718) 271-0453
Councilman John Liu
Transportation Committee
New York City
December 14, 2008
Dear Mr. Liu:
In the first instance, let us congratulate you for your sincere efforts in recognizing Diwali and celebrating it in the City Hall in New York City for several years.
We Indian Americans hold you in high esteem for what you have done for our community.
As a friend of Indian community, we would like to bring to your attention the following problem which has been agitating the mind of our community for a very long time.
As you may be aware, there are more than 3 million Indians living in the USA. Most of them travel through JFK. In the tri-state area itself there are more than half a million Indians living in this area. More than 90% of these Indians are Hindus.
As you know, we Indian-Americans are very religious by nature. It is a matter of great regret and embarrassment that there is no prayer (meditation) room at JFK for Hindus.
We would be highly grateful to you if you could take up this matter with New York/New Jersey Port Authority and see that prayer facilities are provided to Indians (Hindus) also.
With regards,
Narain Kataria
Arish K. Sahani
Vice President
Friday, December 14, 2007
Intellectuals Forum for Pro-Hindu Government in India
Intellectuals Forum for Pro-Hindu Government in India
Author: Narain Kataria
April 21, 2005
The Indian American Intellectual Forum, a New York based group, organized a seminar titled “India Under Siege” on March 5, 2005 in which more than 100 intellectuals from tri-state area participated and discussed various problems with which Indian society has been confronted.
Dr. Narinder Kukar, who has served Association of Indians in America as its National Chairman and the Chairman of the Board of Trustees, in a hard-hitting speech said that the educated intelligentsia and affluent Hindus have failed India. He suggested that theocratic countries should be debarred from the membership of United Nations because they freely, and sometime even openly, indulge in minority persecution.
Dr. Kukkar vehemently opposed the forced conversions of Hindus in India to other religions. He further recommended that Hindus should devise some ways and means to encourage “homecoming” of our brothers who, during the alien rule in India, were converted to the non-Indian religions.
Dr. Rajesh Shukla, a senior member of Overseas Friends of BJP, said that after the First World War Syria and Lebanon were carved out of the erstwhile Ottoman Empire. Lebanon was especially created by European powers to have a Christian-majority state in the Mid-East. At the time of its creation, Christians were 60% and Moslems were 40% of the total population of Lebanon. By 1970, however, Moslems became the majority due to their high population growth rate and infiltration from neighboring countries. If the Muslim population rise continues unabated in India too, in a very short period of only another twenty-five years from now, Lebanon-like situation could most likely erupt in our country also, unless some drastic preventive measures are taken right away, Shukla warned.
Mr. Niranjan Shah, a retired engineer, educationist, and a columnist for India Tribune said that in the olden days Veer Savarkar and Subhash Chandra Bose carried on freedom struggle from foreign countries. Now, it becomes the duty of 22 million non-resident Indians, who are resourceful and holding high positions in the countries of their residence, to come to the rescue of our Motherland and protect her from the onslaught of our enemies. In 1947, the British India was divided on the basis of two-nation theory. What is left of our country is already under siege because 85% of its Muslim population that voted for the creation of Pakistan, did not leave for Pakistan but stayed put in India. Had the ‘transfer of population’ suggestion between India and Pakistan, as advocated by the architect of our Constitution Dr. Ambedkar, been implemented Indian would have been in a better shape from the security point of view.
Dr. Babu Suseelan, a professor in Clinical Psychology and the Director of Addiction Research Institute, Pennsylvania, said that during the 800 years of foreign rule in India, Hindus were physically attacked, economically exploited, and psychologically deprived. This has inflicted great damage on our spiritual traditions, temples, social fabric, and Hindu psyche. Not only that. Even after 58 years of country’s independence, Hindus are still under siege in their own country. If Hindus want to live with dignity and peace, they need to establish a political power structure at district, state, regional and national level. In order to achieve that, it is absolutely essential that Hindus establish the ‘Hindu vote-bank’ in order to be able to influence the decision-making process of political parties.
India is being attacked from within and without. China’s stockpiling of nuclear arsenals in Tibet, Pakistan’s ambitious acquisition of nuclear weapons and missiles and support of Islamic terrorism in India, is a great threat to India’s integrity. Peoples’ War Group, including the violent Naxalite movement has endangered India’s security.
Earlier, welcoming the audience, Mr. Narain Kataria, Founder/Secretary of the Forum struck the keynote of the seminar when he observed that the Hindus had been pushed to the wall in India. It was a matter of great regret that Hindus were being persecuted even in India. “Minorities are taking undue advantage of the system.” “Time has come that we should devise strategy to capture political power in India,” Kataria urged.
Others who spoke on the occasion were: Dr. Uma Mysorekar, President of Hindu Society of North America, Anand Ahuja, Esq., Pabitra Chowdhury, Vice-President of the Forum, Prof. Indrajit Singh Saluja, Managing Editor of English Weekly South Asian Insider, Mr. A.V. Raghunath of Kanchi Kamkoti Peetham, Mr. Udayabhanu Panickar, Ashok Vyas, Director Hindi News, ITV, Dr. Sudhakar Reddy, Prof. M.G. Prasad and Ravi Karmarkar.
Mr. Venkat Sarma proposed a vote of thanks and Mr. Arish Sahani coordinated the proceedings.
Narain Kataria
Indian American Intellectuals Forum
Thursday, December 13, 2007
Powerful Protest Against Sonia (Maino) Gandhi in New York
Author: Narain Kataria
Octoner 6, 2007
Under the banner of the Forum for Gandhi Heritage (“Forum”), a very powerful protest demonstration was successfully mounted in front of the United Nations in New York on October 2nd by more than 400 passionate activists representing the Mahatma Gandhi International Foundation, the Indian American Intellectuals Forum, the Indo Caribbean Council, the Kashmiri Taskforce, the Brahamin Samaj, and many other Indian community organizations.
The demonstration was organized to vocalize outrage and dismay at the nomination/selection/imposition of Mrs. Sonia (nee Antonia Maino) Gandhi to deliver a speech at the United Nations as a representative of India. The Spokesperson of the Forum, Dr. Naresh Sharma, and Satya Dosapati, one of the organizers said: “While we unanimously commend the declaration of Mahatma Gandhi’s birthday as International Non-Violence Day by United Nations at India’s request, we highly condemn the usurpation of this historic occasion by an unqualified politician (Sonia Gandhi) whose ethics, policies, programs and values are the antithesis of everything that the Father of the Nation, Mahatma Gandhiji stood for.”
In a booklet circulated widely to the public and press, the Forum argued that Mahatma Gandhi’s life represented truth, tolerance, non-violence, purity and resistance to injustice, while that of Sonia Gandhi (no relation to the Mahatma) is riddled with lies, intrigue, scams, scandals, vindictiveness, corruption, and pro-terrorists policies. Sonia Gandhi has shown blatant disrespect for revered Hindu religious figures, encouraged falsification of India’s history, tacitly supported conversion of Hindus to Christianity by foreign missionaries through misrepresentation and money power, abetted the potential destruction of Ram Sethu, and smuggled Indian artifacts out of India, among other misdeeds.
According to her birth certificate, Sonia was born in Luciana, Italy, but in her bio data submitted to Parliament on becoming a Member of Parliament, she said that she was born in Orbascano. Luciana is where the central Nazi-Fascist network was headquartered. She was presumably trying to hide this fact from the Indian people. She again lied when she said that she was a graduate from Cambridge University. It is not entirely clear that she has even a high school diploma. The booklet, inter alia, mentions that before coming to India, Sonia was a waitress / au pair girl in the UK. However, after coming to India, she is widely believed to have amassed billions of dollars through questionable means, amongst them the smuggling abroad Indian antiques.
Mahatma Gandhi dreamt of Ram Rajya (country guided by the ideals and teachings of Lord Rama) in India. Sonia on the other hand tacitly works to establish Rome Rajya (empire subservient to Rome and the Vatican since she is a devout Catholic and takes her marching orders from the Pope). Mahatma Gandhi was against conversion but Sonia and her family insisted on Rajiv Gandhi converting to Christianity as a condition to her marrying him. The booklet distributed also cites how millions of dollars were extorted from public companies in India and deposited in the Rajiv Gandhi Foundation (“RGF”) and Indira Gandhi National Center for Arts (“IGNCA”). The booklet is available at the Forum’s website: http://gandhiheritage.org Allegations above and several others in the booklet have been widely cited in the general press and have been substantiated as well.The Forum states:
“We firmly believe that this demeaning strategy is motivated by an underhanded and conniving mind to gain international legitimacy and political control of Indian governance, using the name of a world revered Indian (and global) icon – Mahatma Gandhi. The fact is that Sonia (nee Antonia Maino) Gandhi has no relationship whatsoever, either by blood, or by ideals and deeds with the revered Father of the Nation of India. People who do not know, here in the USA, at the United Nations and in the rest of the World will assume that Sonia Gandhi is a relative of Mahatma Gandhi. We want to demolish this myth forever and let everyone know that Sonia Gandhi has nothing to do with Mahatma Gandhi. She is an inappropriate person to represent Mahatma Gandhi at the U.N. She has deceitfully planned to hoodwink this august body and hijack this momentous juncture in the history of the United Nations.
When people from many community organizations in America who are admirers of Mahatma Gandhi heard that Sonia Gandhi was coming to New York to speak at the U.N., there was a spontaneous outpouring of disapproval and disenchantment. The people felt that a fraud was being perpetrated on the world stage. They decided not to take things lying down. In spite of their busy schedules, dozens of volunteers decided to take off from their office/business to express their disgust and resentment of the antics of the spurious Gandhi. Even the organizers of the protest could not fathom the simmering discontent that took an explosive turn on October 2nd as it brought in people from as far away as Atlanta, Chicago, Florida, Arizona and Boston to the protest meeting in front of the UN.
The demonstrators carried banners depicting: “Down with Sonia Gandhi”, “Sonia Gandhi Go Back”, “Gali Gali Mein Shor Hai, Sonia Gandhi Chor Hai”, “Sonia - Do Not Spread Communalism in India”, “Desh Ka Neta Mahatma Gandhi, Desh Ki Chita, Sonia Gandhi”.
In addition to the demonstration, a fast was undertaken on October 1st and 2nd from 10:00 a.m. to 06:00 p.m. by more than 30 persons at the statue of Mahatma Gandhi near Union Square.
In a full page advertisement in The New York Times, dated October 6th, the Forum blamed Sonia Gandhi family for receiving payments from KGB, accused her for her involvement in the UN Oil for Food Scam, offending sensibilities of 900 million Hindus by blowing up Rama Sethu, an ancient Hindu heritage monument. and instigating anti-Sikh riots that burnt alive 3000 Sikhs.
Wednesday, December 12, 2007
Why Is Lalit Mansingh Misrepresenting Historical Facts?
Author: Narain Kataria
January 17, 2004
India`s Ambassador Mr. Lalit Mansingh`s speech at Eid celebration (India Abroad, Dec. 12, 2003) at Washington, D.C., that there is a lot of misunderstanding about Islam and that it did not spread in India at the point of sword, is based on false assumptions, devoid of factual data, motivated by a malicious design to obscure and falsify Indian history, mislead public opinion, and to say the least, is a preposterous nonsense.
According to Prof. Bill French, the eminent author of the book "Tears of Jihad", to be marketed soon, Muslims have killed approximately 120 million human beings around the globe (including 40 million Hindus in India).
Will Durrant, the celebrated author of "The Story of Civilization" has said that "the Islamic conquest of India is probably the bloodied story in history".
Koenraad Elst, the famous Belgian Indologist has said that "the Muslim conquests, down to the 16th century, were for the Hindus a pure struggle of life and death. Entire cities were burnt down and the population massacred, with hundreds and thousands killed in every campaign and similar numbers deported as slave.
Mr. Anwar Shaikh, a Pakistani Muslim scholar of repute settled in U.K. in his book "This is Jehad" says that "The Muslims must fight non-Muslims." "Thus People of the Book, i.e., Jews and Christians are equally infidels like the Hindus, the Buddhists, the atheists, etc., and must be killed unless they submit before the Islamic sword and live as tributaries (zimmies) to acknowledge their humiliation through payment of Jaziyah, i.e. Poll Tax." (p. 5)
The Islamic period of the Indian History was a very dark and dismal period of Indian History so far as Hindus are concerned. It was a period of resistance, suffering and suffocation for Hindus. Islamic vandalism was so stark in its evil, so barbarian in its nature and so enormous in its magnitude that it demands eternal condemnation. The trauma and torture suffered by our forefathers must be passed on to our children; they should be told the truth.
Babur was a beast. He used to derive sadistic pleasure by watching heads of slaughtered Hindus. "I ordered that a tower of Hindu heads be set up on the ground." (Babur Nama, translated into English by A.S. Beveridge, p. 370)
The so called "Akbar the Great" on whom Mr. Mansingh has lavishly showered praise became a Ghazi by beheading the defenseless and severely injured Raja Hemchandra. "The king struck Himu with his sword and he won the title of Ghazi." (Tarikh-i-Akbar, p. 74, translated by Tanseen Ahmed) Akbar was a fanatic and cruel Muslim ruler of India. In his campaign against Rana Pratap and other Hindu Kings, he was guided and motivated by the following Quranic injunctions on Muslims: "Believers! Make war on the infidels who dwell around you. Let them find harshness in you." (Surah 9: ayat 123). "We shall say, `Lay hold of him and bind him. Burn him in the fire of Hell, then fasten him with a chain seventy cubits long. For he did not believe in Allah, the Most High." (Surah 69: ayat 30-33). Garments of fire have been prepared for unbelievers. Scalding water shall be poured upon their heads, melting their skins and that which is in their bellies. They shall be lashed with red iron." (Surah 22: ayats 19-21). Akbar was the slaughterer of Hindus.
Jahangir, in his autobiography "Tarikh-i-Salim Shahi" wrote that under Akbar and Jahangir "five to six hundred thousand (500,000 to 600,000) Hindus were killed." (Tarikh-i-Salim: Trans. By Price, pp. 225-6) In relation to Akbar`s conquest in Chitor, Abul Fazl recorded that "following Akbar`s order, eight thousand Rajput warriors were first disarmed and then slain and along with them forty thousand peasants were also slain." (The Islamic treatment of PoW, Surah 8, Ayat 67, the Quran) (Akbarnama by Abul Fazl translated into English by H. Beveridge)
Shahjahan indulged in sex enslavement of Hindu women. His grandfather, Akbar possessed a harem consisting of 5000 women, mostly Hindus. After Akbar`s death Jahangir inherited the harem and increased the number of Hindu concubines to 6000. When the same harem fell into the hands of Shahjehan, he further enriched the same with a wide assortment of Hindu women and kept renewing it by throwing away the old women and bringing in new ones from Hindu households. (Akbar the Great Moghul: V. Smith, p. 359)
Abbas Khan Sherwani in his chronicle Tarikh-i-Farishtah recorded: "The Hindoos were pursued and slain by (Muslim) allies with such success, that the river was dyed red with their blood. It is computed by the best authorities, that above one hundred thousand (100,000) infidels were slain during the action and in pursuit.
It is a well-known historical fact that while Jahangir was ruling over India, our fifth Guru Arjun Dev was made to sit on hot iron plate; hot sand was thrown over his body, and he was boiled in a cauldron. Our tenth Guru Gobind Singh`s two sons were bricked alive by Islamists. Mati Das was sawed alive because he refused to convert to Islam. Guru Teg Bahadur Sahib was tortured and killed limb by limb by followers of Islam.
Indian Muslims were responsible for the partition of our Motherland in 1947. Muslims forced Hindus to cede Sind, West Punjab, Balochistan, North West Frontier and East Pakistan. They gleefully warned Hindus: Has Has ke Liya Pakistan, Ladke Lenge Hindustan. After creation of Pakistan, a reign of loot, murder, rape and terror was unleashed against Hindus and Sikhs. Muslims drove out 10 million Hindus from Pakistan.
They reduced Hindu population from 23% in 1947 to 1% in Pakistan. In Bangladesh Hindu population was reduced from 35-40% in 1947 to 8-9%. After consolidating their position, Muslims turned their eyes on Kashmir. They tortured Hindu to such an extent that more than 400,000 Hindus fled their homes and hearths. Now Muslims want to get rid of Hindus living in Jammu.
In 1971, more than 3 milllion people were killed in Bangladesh, out of which 80% were Hindus. More than 20 million Bangladeshi Muslims are already in India. Muslim population in Assam is increasing with leaps and bounds. Situation is assuming an alarming proportion and soon Kashmir-like situation could arise there too.
Islam has divided humanity into two parts: "we" and "they". At present, Muslims consider India "Dar-ul-Harb" (country yet to be subdued or enemy country). They are working to convert it into "Dar-ul-Islam" (Islamic nation). The 1993 bomb blasts in Mumbai in which 350 Hindus were blown to bits, Coimbatore bomb blast in which 58 Hindus were killed, Godhra massacre in which 58 innocent women and children were barbequed, attack on Parliament and Kashmir assembly, attacks on Amarnath Temple in Kashmir, and Akshardham temple in Gujarat, recent bomb blast in Mumbai in which more than 50 innocent passengers were killed, are part of the plan to terrorize Hindus and establish Nizam-e-Mustafa in Hindu land. One can go on and on.
In spite of such voluminous and irrefutable evidence about Islamic brutalities and barbarities perpetrated against hapless Hindu, Mr. Mansingh has temerity to say that "there is a lot of misconception and misunderstanding about the role of Islam and how it came to India." Before putting his foot in his mouth, Mr. Mansingh should have acquainted himself with the true History of India. In his anxiety to be politically correct, prove his secular credential and appease his Muslim guests, he has exceeded his brief and made himself laughing stock in the eyes of those who know India`s history very well. Had I been the Prime Minister of India, I would have either demoted him or transferred him to Haiti or Panama, where he would have no opportunity to waste Hindu taxpayers money on Chicken-Briyani.
Author: Narain Kataria
Date: 12/11/2005
The following startling revelations were made by Dr. Paul L. Williams, a former FBI Consultant, a renowned Terrorism Expert, Chief Guest and a Keynote Speaker, at the Seminar titled “HOW TO COUNTER GLOBAL TERRORISM” organized by Indian American Intellectuals Forum (“Forum”), on December 4th, 2005 in New York City.
The next terrorist attack on the United States will be a nuclear event that is scheduled to take place simultaneously at seven sites throughout the country (New York, Washington, Miami, Houston, Los Angeles, Las Vegas, and Chicago). Bin Laden has been amassing nuclear weapons and materials since he was in the Sudan in 1992. In 1996, when he returned to Afghanistan, bin Laden made further purchases from the Chechens, including highly portable nukes that had been manufactured for the KGB. From 1996 to 1999, he made additional purchases from Russian and Ukrainian sources, including international arms dealer Semion Mogilevich. Mogilevich on one occasion provided bin Laden with fifteen kilos of highly enriched uranium at the bargain price of $70 million.
After Pakistan's successful testing on its atomic bombs beneath the scorched hills of the Balochistan desert, bin Laden and his al Qaeda associates began to work closely with scientists and technicians from the A. Q. Khan Research Facility, including Dr. Sultan Bashiruddin Mahmood (former Chairman of Pakistan's Atomic Energy Commission) and Dr. Chaudry Abdul Majid (Khan's chief engineer) to develop additional weapons, including tactical nukes that can be fired from recoilless rifles.
Since 1998, reports of bin Laden's nuclear arsenal have appeared in such leading international news outlets as BBC, The London Times, The Jerusalem Report, Al-Watan Al-Arabi, and Al-Majallah.
Mr. Jeffrey Epstein, President of the The Peoples Truth forum, a Connecticut-based organization, said that our job is to educate citizenry on the threat posed by Radical Islamofascism – not only to our national security but to our very existence as a culture. We are not political. In fact, our efforts are completely devoid of politics. We are simply committed to getting solid, fact-based, first source information out to the American people.
For many decades we here in the United States thought of terrorism as something that happened “overseas”. It was something that our border – two oceans and two “friendly” countries – shielded us from. We were being naïve.
Dr. Babu Suseelan, a Psychologists, from Pennsylvania, said that while the excuse industry promotes faulty root cause theories, Jihadi terrorists are engaged in kidnapping, gratuitous beheading, looting, killing, bombing, airline hijacking, suicide murder, car bombing, and gruesome murder of innocent infidels all over the world.
In a civilized world, we cannot function if we believe in phony explanations for Jihadi terrorism. Jihadi terrorists believe in a close dogma which is designed to exclude dialogue, outside input and forbids freethinking. “Their goal is to make the world as Dar-ul-Islam (Islamic nation) where Islam rules and the non-Muslim world as Dar-ul-Harab (the enemy country) that has to be conquered.
Prof. D. Bhattacharya of Columbia University, quoting widely from various sources said that it might not be an exaggeration to say that jihad has already begun in Bangladesh in all earnestness. He said Mr. Fazlur Rahman was one of the signatories (together with Osama Bin Laden and his second-in-command, Ayman Al Zawahiri as well as the chiefs of jihad movement in Pakistan, Egypt and Sudan), on the Declaration of War on America in 1998.
In order to protect Hindu-Buddhist-Christians in Bangladesh, it is imperative that a buffer non-Muslim State in Bangladesh bordering India and Myanmar be created on the lines of Israel and East Timor.
Earlier, welcoming the audience, Mr. Kataria, President of the Forum, said that the greatest danger to India’s stability and existence came from the rapidly increasing Muslim population. Tracing the History of India, Kataria said that the rise in the Muslim population was responsible for the Partition of India in 1947. Muslim population in India again is rising with leaps and bound. It is an irony of fate that there is no Uniform Civil Code for all Indians. It is also reported in media that Muslims do not believe in the concept of family planning. .
Informing the audience he said in the world there are around 1.2 billion Muslims. Out of which approximately 45% Muslim population lives in the Indian Continent. Giving further details, he said that there are 150 million Muslims in India, 140 million Muslim in Bangladesh and roughly same number in Pakistan and Sri Lanka. The rising Muslim population, if not checked, will have disastrous consequences and deleterious effects on the Indian polity. This is a frightening scenario.
Referring to Dr. Paul Williams, Kataria said that Terrorism Experts should also take note that almost entire Hindu-Sikh population comprising of 24% has been either driven out of Pakistan or converted to Islam.
Mr. Pabitra Chaudhary, Vice President of the Forum vividly described the pitiable plight of Bangladeshi Hindus. He said that two-third of the Hindu population in Bangladesh has been either driven out of Bangladesh or converted to Islam. “It is a matter of great regret that the world community has not been able to recognize the gravity of the situation in Bangladesh”, lamented Chaudhary.
Kataria and Arish Sahani, President and Senior Vice President, respectively, of the Forum conducted the proceedings of the Seminar. Mr. Venkat Sarma, one of the Directors of the Forum, presided over the function. Dr. Mukund Mody, Founder of Overseas Friends of BJP and a well-known community leader, thanked the audience.
Thursday, December 6, 2007
Indian American Intellectuals Forum, a New York based organization, vehemently condemns the India Government, the West Bengal Government and the Rajasthan Government for their inability to protect the honor and dignity of Dr. Tasleema Nasreen, a world-renowned intellectual and a native of Bangladesh.
Dr. Nasreen is an outspoken proponent of freedom of expression for women, courageous feminist writer, human rights activist and a great social reformer who has been fighting single-handedly against the persecution of half-a-billion Muslim women that are silently suffering at the hands of radical Islamists.
It is truly a paradox that on one hand 400 fully trained counter-terrorism experts of the Special Protection Group (SPG) are deployed to protect Sonia Gandhi and her family, on the other the Government of India is not prepared to provide protection to a woman within its borders who is resisting and exposing the injustice and orthodoxy in our neighborhood.
Tasleema is well known as a great social reformer. She has unflinchingly resolved to help and free the women-folks from the stranglehold of religious bigots. Had she been born in a Hindu family, she would have been raised to the status of Raja Ram Mohan Roy and Swami Dayanand.
It is disconcerting to note that on one or the other pretext, the members of a minority community take advantage of the fundamental rights guaranteed to them under the Indian Constitution. They continue terrorizing her and indulge in the Jihadi activities against her. It is a matter of great shame and disgrace that in attempting to oppose her, a few rufficans of All India Minority Forum recently held the entire City of Kolkata to ransom.
In the month of August, Dr. Nasreen was roughed up by a group of 20 Islamists led by three Muslim MLAs from Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh. These rowdies attacked the press photographers, damaged the furniture and shattered the glass panes.
Later the same month, the Muslim mobs started violence in the City of Agra and set fire to more than 20 vehicles, torched millions of dollars worth of property, injured 50 police officials, and forced the government to close famous Taj Mahal.
We all know that it is the first and the foremost responsibility of any government to maintain law and order and save its citizens from the elements that indulge in violence and hatred. Such uncivilized characters should not be handled with kid gloves.
Taslima Nasreen’s case should not be treated in isolation. It is a part of the greater strategy hatched by pan-Islamic movement that is bent upon destabilizing India by creating chaos and damaging its economy. We should also understand in unambiguous terms that this conflict is between reason and irrationality, modernity and obscurantism.
It is demoralizing to note that even the Rajasthan BJP government that proclaims to be different from other state governments in India, also got so wracked by the terror of jihadists that its Home Minister sent away Dr. Nasreen under armed escort to New Delhi.
We should understand that Dr. Nasreen is a brave Muslim woman like Dr. Wafa Sultan of USA and Irshad Manji of Canada, a Canadian woman of Indian descent. Tasleema Nasreen is working for the emancipation of persecuted women whose voice has been gagged for centuries. It is the responsibility of Indian citizens, state governments, human right activists and civilized nations to join hands in this cause and come to the help of this lady of valor.
No matter how the anti-Hindutva groups portray the Gujarat Chief Minister Narendra Modi, but by inviting Tasleema Nasreen to his state and offering her the adequate security he has established his credentials as a courageous Man with the Capital “M.”
Bharateeya people believe in the Vedic concept of Atithi Devo Bhava (Guest is like God). In free societies such as India, there is no room for religious extremism, retrogression and the barbaric conduct. The people of India cannot allow the religious fanatics to destroy our noble cultural ethos.
Narain Kataria
Indian American Intellectuals Forum
(718) 478-5735
Saturday, November 24, 2007
From: Narain Kataria in New York
Twelfth Hindu Sangathan Divas (Hindu Unity Day) in which more than 700 Hindus representing all sections of the Hindu society enthusiastically participated in New York will be remembered for a very long time to come. The significance of this celebration lies in the fact that it was joined by two very powerful Hindu leaders from India: Didi Maa Saadhvi Ritambhara ji and Dr. Subramanian Swamy. In the celebration, a unique resolution, that has the potential of having a far reaching impact on the Indian polity, was passed by the participants with a unanimous voice vote.
The resolution read by Srichand Sidhwani, a senior Hindu community activist, and seconded by Dr. Babu Suseelan, a psychiatrist from Pennsylvania said:
“It is hereby unanimously resolved that a Hindu political party be formed in India. Aims of this political party would be to safeguard the legitimate interests of Hindus in India, preserve the Hindu character of country, and ultimately capture the political power.”
Sadhvi Ritambhara, the keynote speaker said that Hindus should derive inspiration from the noble lives of Sri Guru Govind Singh, Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj, Maharana Pratap Singh, Subhash Chandra Bose, Veer Savarkar and others who fought like lions to protect the motherland and sacrificed their lives at the altar of nation. It is an irony of fate that the present Hindu politicians are behaving like lambs. We have been too tolerant and too peaceful. We always talk of peace. But, we need to remember that in order to establish peace we have to be the worshipper of Shakti.
Disunity amongst us has been the bane of Hindu society. In order to achieve the unity among Hindus, we must stop the internal squabbles. Also, there is an identity crisis in Hindu society. Our excessive emphasis on the divisive factors such as the caste, language and province is the main cause of many of our maladies. .
To solve all our social and national problems, and thereby experience an incredible power within ourselves, we need to remember the fact that we are “Hindus.” The word “Hindu” has great magical powers that could easily unite and strengthen us all. If we identify ourselves as Hindus, we will emerge as invincible and our voice will be heard with respect and attention.
It is a matter of great regret that Hindus today have become refugees in their very own country. Kashmiri Hindus are languishing in refugee camps. Young Hindu girls are routinely molested and brutalized in Bangladesh, Pakistan and the Indian Kashmir. Hindu leaders live in the fool’s paradise. They mistakenly believe that by indulging in the appeasement of Muslim bullies, one day, they will be able to create a change of heart in them and win them ever. This foolish attempt is bound to fail.
Speaking on the subject of “Hindus under Siege,” the learned Harvard professor and former Union Cabinet Minister, Dr. Subramanian Swamy dealt squarely with the question of terrorism against Hindus that India faces today. He rejected the often repeated theory of the Islamic intellectuals, pseudo-secularists and the Muslim apologists that it was because of the problems of poverty, lack of education, unemployment, and social discrimination among Muslims that their youth take to the path of terrorism. Dr. Swamy debunked that theory stating that the top-class Islamic terrorists like Osama Bin Laden are, on the other hand, billionaires. Other young terrorists involved in the London bombings of 7/7 were all well educated and employed as doctors, lawyers and accountants.
Dr. Swamy drew a thunderous applause when he said that the root cause of Islamic terrorism is the application of the outdated Islamic theories of Dar-ul-Islam and Dar-ul-Harb to the civilized democratic societies. The recent documents seized from SIMI (Students Islamic Movement of India) after the Mumbai blasts make it clear: the goal of Islamic terrorism is to make the Hindu capitulate, convert or simply die a violent death. This Hindus must resist with all their might since Hindus are the target from Coimbatore to Cooch Behar, from Bangalore to Baramula, and from Vadodara to Varanasi. Never again must Hindustan go under foreign rule even if Hindus have to die in millions in a nuclear war. We must win this decisive battle against terrorism and reverse the historical trend of being weak and selfish.
Dr. Swamy told the audience that an effective anti-terror strategy is not only to hunt down the terrorists to their training camps but also to make nonsense of their political objectives. If Islamic terrorists want India to let go of our Kashmir, we must instead go over and recapture the Pak-occupied Kashmir. If they want to destroy our temples, then we must instead liberate Kashi Vishwanath and Mathura and three thousand other temples demolished in past by the invading butchers in the name of Islam.If they drive out Hindus from Bangladesh then we should annex a proportionate area of that country to resettle the displaced Hindus. If they want Dar-ul-Islam in India, then instead we’ll give them a Hindu Rashtra in its place. Dr. Swamy recalled what Veer Savarkar had said: "If necessary, militarize the Hindus and Hinduize the nation". No more submission, no more compromise, and never to capitulate. The only way is to fight to win. That is the Hindu mindset, the Virat Hindu resolve we need today. Dr. Swamy advocated that those Indian Muslims who openly and proudly acclaim that their ancestors were Hindus are our brothers and sisters. They are a part of our family in Hindustan. India is Hindustan i.e. a land of Hindus and all those who acknowledge their ancestors being Hindus. Outsiders can live here but they cannot be allowed to vote. "We can never accept Vish-Kanyas from Italy as our family," Dr. Swamy added to a roar of laughter and approval from the jubilant audience.
Earlier, welcoming the audience, Narain Kataria, the President of Indian American Intellectuals Forum, the chief organizer of the 12th Hindu Sangathan Divas, congratulated Hindus of America for making the Hindu Unity Day a great success. “Your presence here in this auditorium in big numbers demolishes the fallacious theory propounded by the prophets of doom that Hindus cannot be united. Your presence in this hall exposes the myth that Hindus cannot speak in one voice. Your presence is a testimony to the fact that Hindu unity on an All India level is a practicable and feasible proposition, ” said Kataria. Bhushan Tadepalli acted as master of the ceremonies. Arish K. Sahani and Aruna Inala coordinated the event, and Ramesh Gathuria proposed a vote of thanks.
Saturday, November 10, 2007

Author: Narain Kataria
A delegation comprising of Jiten Roy, Ph.D., President, and Bidyut Sarkar, General Secretary, respectively, of International Federation of Bangladeshi Hindus & Friends, Mohini Sarin, a Human Rights Activist, Dr. Narinder Kukar, former National President of the Association of Indians in America and N. Kataria, Founder of Indian American Intellectuals Forum, called on Deputy Ambassador, Indian Mission, Mr. A. Gopinathan, at New York on January 20, and presented to him a memorandum documenting the pitiable plight of Hindus who are being subjected to relentless torture, ghastly murder, gang rape and forcible conversion to Islam. The memorandum urged the Indian Mission at U.N. to take up this matter seriously with the Government of India and find a permanent solution to the state sponsored campaign aimed at ethnic-cleansing of Hindus in Bangladesh.
The memorandum, inter alia, stated that Bangladesh, where 11,000 of its 64, 000 madrassas are constantly producing jihadis, "has become a safe haven for Islamic terrorists - - including Taliban and Al Qaeda fighters fresh off the boat from Afghanistan." (The Time Asia Magazine Oct. 16, '02; Far Eastern Economic Review (April 4,2002); The Wall Street Journal April 2'02); Office of the Coordinator for Counterterrorism/US Department of State, May 21, 2002; Country Reports on Human Rights Practices for 2001: Bangladesh, March 2002) Time Asia Magazine, CNNews (Dec. 21, '01) New York Times (Nov. 27, '01) etc. In the past one and half years, ever since the ruling coalition of "Islamic hardliners" (The Guardian, Oct. 2, '01) assumed power with an absolute majority, the Islamic extremists have gained enormous strength demonstrating that they are capable of enacting several Balies, if not 9/11s.
Earlier, using the Babri Mosque incident as a ploy to teach Hindus a befitting lesson, Jehadis had killed 15 Hindus, raped 2600 Hindu women, razed 3,600 temples and rendered 200,000 Hindus homeless.
Militant Islamists have looted, razed and in many cases set ablaze dwelling houses, businesses, temples, imposed infidel protection tax, gang/mass raped [e.g. nearly 200 Hindu women were mass raped by the Muslims in Char Fashion in a single night (The Daily Star, Nov 16, 2001); mother and eight-year-old daughter were gang-raped together subjecting the helpless father/husband to watch such ghastly scene], brutally tortured, murdered, and left with the ultimatum:" Go to India, where you rightly belong." Incidents of rape remain generally underreported because of the stigma attached to it, yet among the 228 rape cases reported within the day of election 225 or 98.68 % of the rape victims were Hindus and the perpetrators belonged to the ruling parties (see, e.g., The Daily Janakantha, Feb. 17, '02). When the victims of rape approach the police station to press charges against the gang of rapists, the commanding officers not only refuse to accept their cases but in some cases also persecute the victim by detaining them in the precinct lockup (see, e.g., The Daily Janakantha, Feb. 17, '2).
As a result of the above-mentioned systematic persecution, Hindu population in Bangladesh has decreased from 35% in 1947 to 10% in 2003
Hence, the Hindus of Bangladesh have no other alternative but to demand a permanent solution of this problem, by creating a protected region. If the Bosnian Muslims. East Timorese Christians, Srilankan Tamils, Iraqi Kurds deserve international attention, the Bangladeshi Hindus, 25 million of whose people have been driven out of the country and 2.5 million acres of whose land confiscated, deserve help find a permanent solution to their problem, too. Such a solution can never be achieved unless India intervenes, like it did in 1971
Narain Kataria 41-67 Judge Street (5P) Elmhurst, New York 11373 (718) 478-5735
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By: Narain Kataria
March 30, 2005
March 20, 2005 will be written in golden letters in the annals of Indian Americans living in the tri-state area of New York, New Jersey and Connecticut. On this day braving the rough weather, a sea of humanity thronged at Madison Square Garden Theatre right in the middle of New York City to listen to their beloved leader Narendra Modi, Chief Minister of Gujarat in India. Narendra Modi spoke via satellite to a jubilant crowd consisting of more than 5,000 strong people, and answered their questions. He delivered a very powerful speech. He kept the crowd spellbound for about one hour with his charm and wit. The magnificent spectacle was seen to be believed. More than 2000 people could not attend the celebration because they mistook refusal of visa to Narendra Modi as cancellation of the program.
Narrating the progress achieved by the State of Gujarat during his short tenure of three years or so, Mr. Modi said that Gujarat has become one of the most prosperous states in India. I want to make Gujarat a model state for other states to emulate. In Bharat, the first ‘Green Revolution’ was brought in by Punjab, but the second Green Revolution will be produced by Gujarat.
In the past, India had been the Jagat-Guru, the Teacher of the World, for most of the mankind before we went into decline. Very soon, we are going to regain our rightful place in the comity of nations. ‘Knowledge is Power’ and we are genetically endowed with it. Hence, Twenty-First Century rightly belongs to India.
When asked as to what his ‘reaction’ was to the denial of visa by US State Department, Mr. Modi quipped, “I do not believe in ‘reactions.’ I believe in action. I plan to make Gujarat and the rest of India so prosperous, vibrant and peaceful that there would be a queue for visa in America to go to India.” In another question as to what Indian youth could do to help India, Mr. Modi suggested that if each one of the Indian Americans convinces only five non-Indian families in a year for visiting India, that would create a positive understanding of India and boost the Indian tourist industry ten fold. That will be your contribution to the Puniya-bhoomi Bharat.
Most prominent leaders of Indian community were present on the occasion and each one addressed the gathering briefly. As a mark of protest, one throne-like royal looking seat in the center of stage right in the midst of all prominent community leaders had been left vacant for Narendra Modi who could not be with them because of the refusal of visa by US State Department. Referring to the vacant seat Sunil Nayak, one of the co-Chair of the Event said that this was the second time in India’s History that a throne had been kept vacant; the first time when Lord Rama went to Vanvas 5,000 years ago and the second time when Narendra Modi is not allowed to come to this country.
US Congressman Frank Pallone got a spontaneous uproarious applause from the audience when he said, “It was a big mistake on the part of US to deny a visa to a constitutionally and democratically elected Chief Minister.”
Dr. Mahesh Mehta, the Founder/Chairman of Vishwa Hindu Parishad of America, lashing out at the anti-Hindu forces, emphasized that it was incumbent upon us to identify the anti-India elements and their sympathizers who have unleashed the hateful campaign of vilification and denigration against peace loving Hindu people, and expose their nefarious designs.
Dr. Mukund Mody, the Founder of the Overseas Friends of BJP said, “The denial of visa was based on wild accusations and distortions by those who indulged in a smear campaign against the Indian leader.” He further stated that The State Department had violated a fundamental principle of the American justice “innocent until proven guilty.” “India has not produced the slave-drivers but Lord Buddha.” “India has not produced Hiroshama nuclear bombers but produced Mahatma Gandhi, declared Dr. Mody.
Dr. Sudhakar Reddy, the co-Chairman of the event said that Narendra Modi is a man with the capital “M.” He is a great visionary and a dynamic leader. He is a Nishkam Karamyogi. We adore him. He is not just a leader of Gujarat State; he is truly a national leader. If and when he comes to New York in person, I promise, we will give him a resounding reception befitting the stature of a head of state in which 20,000 people will participate.
Outside the Theater, about 30 Indian and Pakistani Moslems were shouting slogans against India and Mr. Modi.